If you know someone who owns a service-based business that has a website and wants an easy way to get more customers from Google – they’ll love the simple strategy I teach in this video.
The idea is really simple…
It’s hard for your website to compete (ie: show up in a Google search when people are looking for you) in large metropolitan areas because competition is plentiful, and in many cases fierce.
If you use the strategy taught in this video to target suburbs and smaller cities outside of major metros, you can often pick up some easy business from Google search. The main reason is that there’s less competition since everyone is focused on getting customers from the major metro nearby.
Since I recorded this video (March 10, 2020) my company website is now showing up on the front page of Google when potential clients search for our services.
We sell ‘SEO‘ but you might sell ‘dog training‘ or ‘ac repair‘ or ‘carpet cleaning‘ (whatever your customer would type in to Google to find you)
For starters, we do not rank on the first page of Google (yet) for Albuquerque (major metro) – we rank 26 which is the middle of page 3 on Google. Nobody will likely find us there.
But, we do rank incredibly well across a bunch of other cities/towns in New Mexico:
(Ps – type the following words in quotes into Google and you should see it at the position recorded below or really close since it fluctuates)
#1 – Rio Rancho SEO
#3 – Las Cruces SEO
#20 – Santa Fe SEO
#23 – Albuquerque SEO
#6 – Alamagordo SEO
#19 – Anthony SEO
#2 – Artesia SEO
#100+ – Bernalillo SEO
#100+ – Carlsbad SEO
#3 – Clovis SEO
#3 – Corrales SEO
#1 – Deming SEO
#3 – Espanola SEO
#4 – Farmington SEO
#1 – Gallup SEO
#16 – Grants SEO
#1 – Hobbs SEO
#100+ – Las Vegas NM SEO
#1 – Los Lunas SEO
#1 – Lovington SEO
#3 – Portales SEO
#17 – Roswell SEO
#2 – Silver City SEO
#1 – Sunland Park SEO
Before shooting the video on March 10th, my company website was not ANYWHERE in the top 10 search results for people searching in my city.
Now we’re on the first page of Google for 16 cities where we never existed before.
So I know what the skeptics are saying / thinking… oh, well hardly anyone ever searches in those cities for your service / my service.
You may be right, but collectively, it’s significant.
And the cool thing about this is that you do it ONE TIME…
… and the leads continue to come in without you having to do anything else.
Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of very many marketing strategies or tactics that are truly ‘set it and forget it’
But this one is!
Try it out for yourself and watch what happens over the next few months 🙂
And if you really want to take it to the next level and accelerate your results, check out the blog post I made that goes into extreme detail in showing exactly how we got to #1 in Rio Rancho in less than 3 months.