When I first started my business I took clients of all sizes and all industries. I was hungry.
I proudly touted the fact that we were a ‘full-service agency’ and that we could handle any marketing campaign for any company that needed help growing.
The problem with that statement is two-fold:
1️⃣ You simply can’t be the best at everything, no matter what your field is. There’s too much to keep up with.
Take attorneys for example.
An expert in family law is NOT going to be equally skilled in IP protection.
They’re simply too different.
Can they be good at both? Definitely.
The best? Definitely not.
2️⃣ It speaks to nobody, positions you as a commodity, and makes you completely unmemorable.
AKA its harder to make the sale and stand out against your competition
So what’s the solution?
👉 Niche down. Focus your marketing message on a subset of your broader target market.
💡Instead of ‘FB Advertising Agency’ try, “FB Advertising Agency for Chiropractors”
💡Instead of ‘Mortgage Lender’ try, “Mortgage Lender for Entrepreneurs”
💡Instead of ‘Pest Control Company’ try, “Wildlife Removal Experts”
💡Instead of ‘Professional Photographer’ try, “Wedding Photographer”
Of course, these are very basic examples. But you get the idea.
Now, we consciously know that having a more target message will make it much easier to acquire customers for a ton of different reasons.
However, business owners get scared to choose a niche because they think they’ll lose out on a huge chunk of business.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…
Not only do you get more (targeted) business, but you’ll still pick up a ton of the same clients you had before.
For example, we went from being a generic ‘full-service digital advertising agency’ to being an “SEO and Web Design Solutions for the Home Services Industry”
Guess what?
We still pick up clients in the health industry, finance, retail, legal – you name it.
Because people hear our tagline or hear about our work and then they ask us, “Can you do that for us, too?”
And that my friend, is why it pays to niche down 💸
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